User manual
In order to make money deposit, you need to initiate a marketplace purchase. The amount that would be sufficient for the transaction will be requested due to deposit.
Choose the payment method, fill in the required information, indicate the amount you'd like to deposit and proceed to the checkout page.
The whole process can take no more than 15 minutes since this timeframe represents the period in which MYTH quote is reserved for you.
Please note that regardless of your deposit method, your funds will be instantly converted into MYTH token which is the only currency that Marketplace supports.
What payment methods are available?
Currently, there are 2 ways to proceed with a payment: a credit/debit card or crypto.
Gr4vy is the orchestrator for card payments and Uphold is the one for crypto deposits.
What cards are supported?
All major card issuers are supported: Visa, MasterCard, Discovery and American Express.
What cryptocurrencies can I use for deposit?
You can use any currency that is listed in your Uphold wallet (there are 60+ items to choose from). Kindly note that you can only use a single crypto at once, there is no possibility to convert numerous balances into a single deposit.
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