What is Quick Trade, and how does it work?
Quick Trade is a feature that allows users to exchange items from their inventory for items listed on the marketplace storefront. It's a fast and convenient way to get the desired items while giving away items users no longer need.
How can I initiate a Quick Trade on the secondary marketplace?
To initiate a Quick Trade, simply navigate to the Quick Trade tab on our platform. From there, choose listings from the marketplace storefront that you'd like to receive and select the items from your inventory that you wish to trade.
What types of items can be Quick Traded on the platform?
Users can Quick Trade items from their inventory that have an instant selling price for any eligible listings on the marketplace storefront.
Is there a limit to the number of Quick Trades a user can make?
There is no limit to the number of Quick Trades a user can make. However, there is a limit to the number of items that can participate in a single Quick Trade—users can give away up to five items and receive up to five items at a time.
How is the value of items determined for the Quick Trade?
Users can choose items from their inventory that have instant selling prices. The value is determined by the instant selling price of the items being exchanged. Users can freely select listings from the marketplace storefront to complete the QuickTrade.
Are there any restrictions on the condition of items eligible for QuickTrade?
As long as the items from the inventory have instant selling prices and meet the eligibility criteria, they can be included in a Quick Trade.
Are there any best practices or tips for a successful Quick Trade?
The main tip for a successful Quick Trade is to proceed as quickly as possible. Other users may enter the same flow or purchase listings, so acting promptly enhances your chances of completing a successful trade.
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