Password reset
In order to change the password, please log out of your account and navigate to the login/signup page.
Click the “Forgot your password?” button and then enter the email that was used for registration at Mythical.
Click on the button "Send email with a link".
Once it's done, you should receive an email containing a one-time passcode. Please then return to the website and paste the code into the appropriate field. If the code is correct, you'll be able to set a new password. Just follow the instructions you see on the screen and you'll be able to set a new password.
2FA deactivation & Email change
Currently, we are developing the possibility to change email or turn off 2-step authentication for the user without our help. While we are doing this, please contact us by clicking the "Account" button at the top right corner and choosing "Contact support" in the drop-down menu. We'll be happy to help you out.
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